“Being prepared should a Brexit happen” – 20 April ETC Venues Marble Arch London
A major presentation at the 13th Business Money All Asset and Trade Finance Conference.
What difference will it make to cross-border lending, to trade finance, to those clients that import and export or just those that trade in the UK?
The team from Squire Patton Boggs has taken a hard look and will be telling the conference what it thinks. We thank our sponsors and good friends for offering our attendees the benefit of some of the world’s best legal minds on the topic.
Just think what it would cost you if you consulted them yourself!
Book now at: https://www.business-money.com/all-asset-conference.html.
KPMG presents on the state of alternative lending to business in the UK, Mike Carsella tells us what is happening in debt finance in the USA, Mikhail Treyvich speaks on P2P lending and credit rating it, worldwide.
We also look at the robustness of algorithmic credit processes, we have speakers from the USA, Russia and Europe, Robert Lefroy will present on Receivables 2015 and the Intermediary Index outcome and will be making one or two presentations as a result to any finance houses that attend.
We always address the issues of the moment, the ones that affect you and your teams and return 95%+ satisfaction ratings. We may sell out this year, it has happened before and health and safety law dictates our numbers.
Any questions to Sophie Grove on 01458 253536 or 07966 529569.