Brick and mortar businesses set to reopen

Photo by Prateek Katyal from Pexels
The 2020 coronavirus pandemic has taken all of us by surprise. At the start of the year, very few could have predicted that a contagious and potentially deadly virus would sweep across the world, causing day to day life as we knew it to come to a standstill. As we’re all aware, the vast majority of countries encourage or forced all non-essential brick and mortar businesses to close their doors in a bid to slow the spread of the virus. The following four months have seen impacted business owners struggling to get by. While some have been able to make sales throughout this time by opening ECommerce stores, this hasn’t been a viable option for many companies who do not offer consumer goods and require an in-person presence to generate sales and profits. Sports facilities, restaurants, cafes, cinemas, theatres, spas and other institutions that provide experiences rather than products have been hit the hardest during this time. But the good news is that most businesses are now set to reopen in order to stimulate the economy and to allow those who are struggling to generate an income. This is great news. However, it is important to remember that everything won’t go back to “normal” straight away. The virus hasn’t disappeared and you’re going to have to implement measures within your small business to continue to slow the spread of the virus and to make sure that your customers feel safe at all times. You may also want to maintain some of the coping mechanisms you’ve been using to keep up and running during the pandemic so that you’re prepared for any potential spikes in transmission rates that could cause your business to have to temporarily close its doors again.
Coping mechanisms to keep up
As we’ve already briefly mentioned, you need to maintain certain practices to give yourself a fall back if the virus rates spike again. If you’ve been finding ways to run your business on a virtual basis, continue providing these services, even once your doors reopen. If you’re running a restaurant and have been offering online food orders for delivery, keep your site up and running, continue taking orders and don’t forget the benefits of managed it services that have helped you through this difficult time so far.
Implementing social distancing
Social distancing is still extremely important in order to slow the spread of the virus. So, make sure your establishment complies with social distancing guidelines. Have seating two metres apart. If people are queuing, ensure that they stand two metres apart by placing stickers on the floor indicating the recommended distance. Discourage people who get into others’ personal space.
Provide hand sanitiser
Hand sanitiser is key to maintaining good hygiene levels in your commercial premises. So, provide plenty of it. Have dispensers in key locations, such as next to the entrance, near toilets and near any handles customers may need to touch.
It’s exciting that stores are set to open. It could really help you out financially. But make sure you are sensible and remain alert while doing so! Hopefully, some of the above advice will help!