Castle Business Finance rebrands as Castlebridge Finance
Castle Business Finance has been purchased out of administration and will be led by Maurice Ezekiel and his team. The business is being rebranded as Castlebridge Finance and will trade from new offices in Gloucester marking a strategic shift change in direction and heralding a refreshed and revitalised approach to meeting clients needs. The purchase has secured employment for the existing, high performing team who are primed to build on the strong foundations already in place.
The new company has raised significant equity and supported by new debt facilities, has robust growth plans.
Maurice Ezekiel, chief executive officer says “We have worked tirelessly with the existing team to enable this acqusition to happen so quickly while providing our existing clients with continuity of financing and the excellent customer service they are used to.
We have a great team in place and with the fantastic support of our private investors and funders we look forward to taking this business to to the next level and providing the SME sector with much needed availability of funding”.