Crystal Specialist Finance and Together launch complex buy-to-let product
Crystal Specialist Finance (CSF) and Together have launched a new complex buy-to-let product for landlords and property investors currently being overlooked by mainstream and specialist lenders.
Properties incorporated into the new offering include holiday lets, HMOs, student lets, MUFBs and development exits, as well as others which have been difficult to find finance as the market shrank and lending restrictions became tighter during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The offering is available for individual or limited companies, portfolios, first-time landlords and first-time buyers. Bounce back loans and payment holidays, plus ex-pats and non-UK nationals, are also accepted.
Product highlights include rates from 4.99% up to 70% LTV, maximum loan £750k (£1m by referral) with ICR for Limited Company and Basic Tax Rate at 125% and 145% for Higher Tax Rates and Top Slice allowed, where required.
Jason Berry, group sales & marketing director of CSF, said: “Together’s latest buy-to-let product range not only addresses lending requests which are becoming more prevalent, but also provides some much needed options for landlords and property investor customers who have seen criteria tighten since the start of the year.”
Sundeep Patel, head of intermediary sales at Together, added: “We are delighted to reinforce our partnership with the highly experienced team at Crystal to include our new range of buy-to-let mortgage products.
“The complexities which borrowers often demonstrate mean this product, as well as others we have recently launched, could be a perfect fit. Often a high level of expertise is required to place and administer this type of case, so alongside the CSF team, we provide underwriting resource so quick and definitive decisions can be made for brokers.”
CSF operates across six specialist divisions: bridging, buy-to-let mortgages, commercial, development finance, second charge loans and specialist residential.
The business works with independent financial advisors, financial intermediaries, networks and professional service sectors across the whole of the UK. It has access to over 100 lenders which include exclusive product lines and lenders who have extremely limited distribution..