Exciting new session at the Business Money London Conference
The growing trend towards linking trade finance with invoice finance to provide the client with a seamless transaction has grown to the point where trade finance has to be included in our discussions.
In particular we are examining how independent trade finance houses can work with invoice financiers that do not have the speciality in house.
The new panel session will include seasoned professionals: Robin Smith of Legion Trade Finance; Soheill Sarkoob of Sterling Trade Finance and either Chris Ash or William Tebbit of Trade Finance Partners.
Our re-named All-Asset and Trade Finance Conference is taking place on 15 April at the QE11 Conference Centre in Westminster. The full agenda and booking details can be found on our website but please call Sophie Grove on +44 (0) 1458 253536 or +44 (0) 7966 529569 for more information.
Places are limited so please book now to secure you place.