Forum of Private Business membership increases by 30% since Brexit vote
Small business membership of the Forum of Private Business has increased by over 30% since the UK voted to leave Europe.
Forum managing director, Ian Cass, says the surge, which now means there are more than 30,000 members, cannot simply be explained by Brexit uncertainty alone.
Ian said:
“Uncertainty around Brexit has clearly been a factor in more businesses reaching out to the Forum, but the increases in compliance and regulations such as auto enrollment, GDPR, digital tax and enhanced employee rights have led businesses to look not just for a lobbying voice, but also for tangible help in helping to manage the requirements that are being leveled on them.”
The Forum’s concentration on providing solutions and genuine guidance on managing issues such as employment law and data protection changes, rather than offering a long menu of discounted utility services, has been at the heart of the membership growth claims Ian Cass.
Ian added:
“The feedback we have had from members is that there is a plethora of discounts available online. What they really value is the ability to manage their risks and get advice from professionals when they need it, in the knowledge that the Forum is completely independent and not involved in any commission arrangements.”
The membership growth has however coincided with the post Brexit vote period, suggesting that at times of uncertainty businesses do look for added security and assurances.