Future Wales published by Welsh government providing new national planning direction
Required by law under the Planning (Wales) Act 2015, the document has been in preparation since January 2016 and undergone a series of stages and consultations. Future Wales outlines the Welsh government’s strategies for addressing key national priorities through the planning system, including sustaining and developing a vibrant economy, delivering growth in the right areas, achieving decarbonisation and climate-resilience, developing strong ecosystems and improving the health and well-being of communities.
Unlike its predecessor, the Wales Spatial Plan, Future Wales now forms part of the statutory development plan meaning its contents are of great significance. This comes into immediate effect and all undetermined planning applications and appeals will need to be in general conformity with Future Wales. For plan-making there is a requirement for Strategic Development Plans (SDP), Joint Local Development Plans and Local Development Plans (LDP) to be in conformity with Future Wales as a whole.
Rhys Govier, associate director at Savills Cardiff, comments: “The publication of Future Wales is a notable milestone by introducing a development plan at a national level to guide plan-making and decision-making at regional and local levels.”
After a consultation on the draft National Development Framework (NDF) (as the document was then called) between August and November 2019, a revised version of the document, renamed Future Wales, was laid before the Senedd in September 2020 which made significant changes with many of the policies from the draft NDF either removed, replaced or re-written.
Rhys adds “On behalf of various clients, Savills made strong representations during the consultation which have resulted in some notable changes to the document before its publication. With the Welsh economy fragile from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is imperative the document is applied with a positive spirit at all levels, including by local authorities undertaking LDP reviews, to ensure that the planning system can deliver sustainable growth and new development.”
Key areas of Future Wales include:
- A four region approach, with North, Mid, South West and South East Wales regions;
- The requirement for the planning system to be “plan-led” and for SDPs to form a part of this system;
- A housing policy focus of delivering new affordable homes, with local authorities setting overall housing requirements; a key function of the new SDPs;
- Three National Growth Areas and 11 Regional Growth Areas;
- A requirement to identify Green Belts in the South East Wales and North Wales regions, with consideration to be given to a further Green Belt in the South West, in all cases coverage is to be determined through SDPs;
- A criteria based policy for renewable and low carbon energy generation of all types, with reference to a small number of broadly identified pre-assessed areas where there will be a presumption in favour or large scale on-shore wind energy; and
- A strengthening of the commitment to a town centre first approach for retail and other town centre uses.