How a digital signature can save your business money
While you may be in the business to make money, it’s only natural to want to save it. Cost-cutting can bolster your bottom line, and there’s no limit to how you can do it. As it turns out, something as simple as a digital signature may also be able to save your company money. Find out how below.
Speeds up processes
As any business or company owner knows, time is money. If you can save the former, you may subsequently save the latter. By creating e-signature for your business leaders, any document signing processes can run a lot smoother. Rather than making sure you can hold formal business meetings to get everyone’s signature to approve an important deal, you can simply email out the document for everyone to digitally sign. Within minutes, you can have that much-needed approval without even having to leave your desk.
Printing costs
Ink is one of the most expensive liquids in the world, at around $2,700 per gallon. Given how many pages the average legal document is, your business can be spending a fortune on printer ink when there is now no real need. A simple e-signature may be able to cut these costs dramatically.
While you may still wish to print a master copy of a document, everyone else who needs to view and sign a form can do so without having to print it. Your average monthly office supply spend may decrease as a result.
You can receive payments faster
Large corporations often require several signatures to take on new contracts and bring in new income streams. While several business operations are now automated to save time and money, not every business has jumped on the digital signature bandwagon. To receive payments faster, consider accepting digital signatures from all parties. You can then commence work on the vital contract and start bringing in more money.
Benefit from overseas trade conveniences
In past years, whenever you wanted to commence overseas trade agreements, you had to deal with the postal system. Documents had to travel from one country to another, and sealing the deal could take weeks, if not months.
Digital signatures have certainly been a game-changer in this respect. Rather than courier documents halfway around the world, they can turn up in each party’s inboxes within seconds. This modern-day convenience may give businesses more confidence to explore their overseas options. After all, working with offshore companies has never been more streamlined than it is today.
Save money in fees
In most companies today, there are multiple signing authorities. Trying to get everyone together to sign a time-sensitive document is not always straightforward. The consequence of this is that late fees may apply for agreements that aren’t sent in on time.
With digital signatures, there’s less risk of this happening. If each person required to sign can do so via email, agreements can be sent away promptly by the deadline.
A digital signature can be a game-changer for individuals and businesses. Many steps can be removed from a process to streamline operations and save both time and money. The world of business may be complicated, but e-signatures are adding a new layer of convenience.