It salary trends – salary growth in 2023
Despite the uncertainty within the tech world over the last year, there is an ongoing rise in demand for tech talent, which means that jobs in tech offer increasingly competitive benefits in order to attract – and keep – top talent.
Recruitment agencies such as tech recruitment specialists are seeing a change in how candidates are seeking tech jobs, as well as what they are looking for. With remote working becoming the norm in a host of industries, particularly in tech, job hunts are extending beyond traditional geographic boundaries, meaning that recruiters can look further afield for talent, and employees can be more ambitious about where they apply.
Employment benefits aren’t just about the money; in fact, most people prioritise work-life balance and the opportunity to work flexibly over salary alone. However, with the ongoing financial crisis, earning potential remains a central concern, particularly for those who are new to the industry. Take a look at some of areas of fastest-rising demand, and hence fastest-rising salaries in tech. For a more comprehensive list of careers, please refer to the full IT Salary Guide.
Project manager
The project manager is the needle and thread that stitches all of the elements of a project together. When it comes to IT projects, they play a crucial role in ensuring that the project is delivered on time. They will keep updated of all of the moving parts within the project and ensure that everyone in the team is aware of what they need to do, and when. They will identify potential delays and make contingency plans to ensure that potential risks, if they do arise, are effectively dealt with without significantly impacting outputs.
As digital is becoming central to most organizations across industries, most companies will have project managers to ensure the smooth delivery of both internal and external activities. It is not surprising, therefore, that according to Dice’s tech salary report, the role of PM has among the highest earning potential in tech, largely thanks to 15.6% growth since 2021.
Program analyst
The role of program analyst is closely aligned with that of the project manager. Program analysts and managers are responsible for the oversight of all projects, programs and initiatives within an organization, ensuring that targets are met and budgets are adhered to while potential threats and opportunities are identified and neutralized or capitalized upon accordingly. A program manager or analyst will work with key stakeholders and project managers to ensure ongoing compliance and risk analysis. Their role is one removed from that of project manager as they are less concerned with the minutiae, while being responsible for the more strategic elements such as regulatory issues and wider impact of activities. Increasing demand for program analysts is the result of larger and increasingly complex projects, which can become unwieldy for departments to monitor without specialist knowledge and understanding.
DevOps engineer
The buffer between the development team and operations, DevOps engineers are instrumental in streamlining the software development process. Natural problem solvers, DevOps engineers develop and maintain tools to automate processes and ensure robust infrastructure and optimized workflows. In an era where organizations are constantly seeking new technologies to help them gain the edge in their day to day endeavours, the salary for DevOps engineers is rising steadily, with a median salary of $125,000 according to Builtin.
MIS manager
Data offers organizations a valuable insight into their own operations as well as what their clients are looking for. However, too much data is not necessarily a good thing; unless you know how to process your data and what it is telling you, you could end up going in completely the wrong direction. MIS – Management Information System – managers can help a company to manage its data so that they can effectively use it to make decisions. This digital age naturally comes with an increased need for a skilled IT professional to organize and protect the wealth of data that is flooding in. Which is why MIS manager roles are on the rise, with salaries that reflect the high demand as well as the critical role that the MIS manager will play in cyber security and data processing.
Cybersecurity architect
With greater volumes of data comes greater risk, and organisations are obliged to protect their customers’ data from cyber-attack; their reputation relies on it. Cybersecurity engineers or architects play a pivotal role in IT security, ensuring that appropriate measures are taken to protect the organization’s and their customers’ data safe from a full spectrum of potential threats. With responsibility for identifying threats and designing and implementing solutions to mitigate those risks, cybersecurity architects are among the best paid in the tech industry.
Help desk technician
The role of help desk technician may not be the best paid job in tech, but with rapidly rising demand and a significant jump in median salaries over the last two years, according to Dice, it is a solid option for someone looking for an entry level role or those hoping to switch careers. With more and more people not necessarily accustomed to the tech world accessing data, apps, and online communities, there is ever-increasing demand for help desk support. Securing a job as a help desk technician is a great way to access the world of tech with relatively few qualifications, earn a reasonable salary and demonstrate your skills, while gaining a deeper understanding of the tech industry.
The world of tech is ever-changing, and with change comes diverse needs and a wealth of opportunities for those hoping to build a career in tech. Finding the right job isn’t just about assessing your skills and determining which role and salary are best fit for the present, it is important that you consider your future potential within an organization and how that aligns with your aspirations. With some forward planning and a little research, you will be able to land a job that pays the bills now, and allows you to achieve your full potential in the future.