Just Wealth and Just Mortgages smash 2022 referral target by 20%
Just Wealth, the financial services arm of national brokerage Just Mortgages has revealed today that they exceeded their 2022 referral target from sister firm Just Mortgages.
The ambitious target of 1,000 client referrals for wealth advice was exceed by 20% as the national mortgage broker referred over 1200 cases to the Just Wealth division to help clients in a range of product areas including pensions and investment advice, inheritance tax, life assurance and other protection products.
During the fact find stage of the mortgage advice process mortgage brokers often identify wider client needs such as the requirement for a pension review and for brokers working with Just Wealth can now provide a far wider ranging financial journey for their customers.
Because of the level of referral business Just Wealth has doubled the number of advisers during 2022 to cope with the demand generated by client referrals and has ambitious growth plans for 2023. Just Wealth advisers are self-employed and benefit from the freedom to advise, whether it’s on pensions and investment advice, inheritance tax, life assurance or other protection products. In addition to referrals and qualified introductions, Just Wealth advisers receive ongoing training, compliance, mentoring and marketing support.
Dave Magee, head of wealth at Just Wealth said: “The growth in referrals has been building steadily as clients appreciate the fact that they have a recommendation to a financial advisor from their trusted broker and Just Mortgages benefit from extending their client relationship beyond mortgage and protection advice. This high level of referrals also provides a significant pipeline for our growing number of advisers which is why we are investing so heavily in recruiting new advisers to Just Wealth.
“This is a great example of a joined-up and frictionless customer journey that adds tremendous value to the client. It means that as part of the wider group we can provide everything a client will need, from buying their first home, all the way through to legacy and estate planning in later life.
This seamless journey creates a greater long-term customer experience and gives offers more streamlined efficiencies. Just one example being that at their annual wealth review we can flag a mortgage term coming to an end which gives us the opportunity loop the client back to the team at Just Mortgages.”