Last chance!
The Thirteenth Business Money All-Asset and Trade Finance Conference takes place tomorrow at ETC Marble Arch, Garfield House, 86 Edgware Road, London W2 2EA.
What happens to your lending business if there is a Brexit? Dr Jens Rinze, a Frankfurt office partner of sponsors Squire Patton Boggs, spells out some hard, indisputable facts, something notably in short supply in the hysteria of the debate thus far.
John Brehcist will then lead a debate on the topic. Say what you like, remembering your manners, nothing will be reported.
How big a threat is fintech? Four world-class authorities on the strategies and marketing of ABL hold an open discussion, chaired by Bob Lefroy. Prior to this KPMG will deliver a report on fintech in the UK to provide food for thought.
Bob said: “Two of our attendee companies put out big press releases yesterday covering two groundbreaking deals that had just been put to bed. Funny how the successful always find time to show up.”
The early afternoon theme is international; Mike Carsella, the Chicago-based lawyer and dealmaker, acquaints us with what is going on in the USA. Always hugely informative, Mike injects humour and always wins the highest session rating award.
He will have a challenger from Russia this year. Mikhail Treyvich, another old friend of Business Money, will tell us about his portfolio rating agency Omnigrade and its relevance to the P2P sector.
Bob Lefroy will then make a verbal presentation on Receivables 2015, the follow-up, and also the Intermediary Index where some awards will have been made to certain attendees. Showing up is one of the qualifying criteria. Bob says things about some of the index performers that will never be seen in print. Another session that wins high marks.
Andrew Knight from sponsors Squire Patton Boggs is the only man we know who can make ABL documentation interesting, not to say downright amusing. His performance as tail gunner emphasises the presentational talents of this seasoned lawyer.
Chairman Paul Hancock will preside and wind up for us, followed by the usual debrief in All Bar One!
Book online or by phone today. Latecomers may show up tomorrow if card details can be offered at the door.
Please call Sophie on 07976 529569.