Leumi ABL is Business Money Intermediary Index Champion
At the Business Money Receivables Dinner last night awards were made under 11 headings.
Bob Lefroy, Business Money group editor, commented:
“It was a great evening in the company of the best from invoice finance. Marking was tough, and the outstanding performers won their awards based upon hard evidence from Receivables 2016 and the Business Money Intermediary Index.”
Business Money Receivables 2016 Awards
Index Champion 2016
Leumi ABL
Consistent all-round high quality performance, a standard it has maintained since the Intermediary Index launched.
Supreme Receivables Financier
Bibby Financial Services
A climb of five places in the Intermediary Index in a year of hard marking, and to be collectively awarded this rating by more respondents than any other participant displays an exceptional all-round excellence resulting from a continual drive for improvement.
Rising Star Award
An established team with some new blood, a new proposition that has been well received.
All-Round Excellence
Factor 21
To appear in the top five under all three Intermediary Index categories with a brand operating through two distinct centres exhibits high all-round quality.
Best Newcomer
A new operation but in seasoned hands that has displayed the highest standards from the outset.
Best Clearing Bank
A pioneer of the smaller-ticket all-asset finance proposition and a sound performer in every sector of our demanding market.
Fastest Rising Clearing Bank
Lloyds Commercial Finance
Following some challenging years we welcome a return to the Intermediary Index Top 20 and accompanied by a demonstrable signal, a one-year growth of £1bn+ in funds out.
Best Selected Invoice Financier
An outstanding effort following the traditional path in executing selected invoice finance business.
Best Smaller Invoice Financier
Calverton exemplifies all that is best about the smaller divisions of the invoice finance sector and its support of the SME.
Best in Funds Out
A 40% increase in funds out over two years to become the biggest lender in the sector is a remarkable achievement.
Excellence in Product Development
To win Best Smaller Financier one year, to do a £14m funds out deal the next and be pitching for much bigger ones, in addition to offering a comprehensive range of commoditised propositions, demonstrates that Nucleus deserves this award.