Making a permanent switch to remote working for your business
Remote working has become a lot more common recently. While some businesses have decided to return to normal as soon as they could attempt it, others have enjoyed the benefits of remote working. It can have a number of advantages that both business owners and their employees can experience. Before making the move to have members of staff working remotely on a permanent basis, it’s important to know whether it’s the right thing to do and what you need to do to achieve it. Whether all or only some of your employees will be working remotely, there are some things to make sure you do.
Weigh up the pros and cons

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Before your business makes the transition to remote working permanently, it’s important to consider the pros and cons. If your employees have already been working remotely for a while, you might have had time to note what works for you and what could be more of a negative. Speak to your employees about their experiences and whether they feel working remotely long-term is a good idea. Discuss any concerns that they might have and any suggestions that they have to improve things in the future. Remote working might not work for every business, but it’s great for many.
Downsize your office
Being able to move to a smaller office is a benefit of remote working. You can choose a smaller place to base your business and save money month-to-month. Once you’ve found the right place, you can book movers then decide what furniture and equipment to keep in your new office. Consider whether anyone will come into the office to work and how often. You might need a certain number of desks to accommodate people who are coming in at different times. Perhaps you’ll want to have meetings in person sometimes and need to have space for that.
Support your employees
It can be a challenge for employees to transition to working remotely. Not everyone may wish to do it, and some people might have various difficulties in communication, staying productive, or even caring for their mental health. Providing the right sort of support for your employees can help to make remote working easier for them. You can ensure you provide the necessary tools for their work and ensure they have a safe working environment at home too. Make it clear that you’re available to provide support when it’s needed.
Develop guidelines and procedures
Remote working can be very different from working in an office. It’s important to have guidelines and procedures to help your staff work remotely and ensure they’re productive. Communication can be tough when everyone has to use various apps, phone calls, and video conferencing. But clear communication policies and advice can help to make things easier for everyone. It can take some time to adjust to remote working on a full-time basis but everyone can get used to it.
Switch to remote working full-time and your business and employees could see a number of interesting benefits.