MBT Affordability helps landlords to borrow extra £82k
MBT Affordability enables buy-to-let landlords to borrow an average £82,000 more than other affordability platforms thanks to its larger panel and more comprehensive research.
With a buy-to-let panel of 66 lenders, MBT Affordability features the most comprehensive research platform available in the market, with more than four times more lenders than its nearest competitor. And this larger panel size makes a quantifiable difference to the loan sizes available to landlord clients.
By researching the affordability calculations of all 66 lenders, brokers can secure their landlord clients an average loan size of £377,000, compared to £295,000 if they were to use the lenders whose calculators are provided by its nearest competitor. This means that the more comprehensive research provided by the larger panel can help landlords to borrow an extra £82,000.
Tanya Toumadj, CEO at Mortgage Broker Tools, said: “We often talk about MBT Affordability having the most comprehensive panel available in the market, particularly when it comes to buy-to-let and this analysis shows the quantifiable benefit of being able to access that larger panel.
“Put simply, by using MBT Affordability, rather than a competitor platform, brokers have greater opportunity to secure their clients the loan size they need to meet their objectives. On top of this, our intuitive platform can provide brokers with a valuable audit trail demonstrating that they have research the options from an extensive panel of 66 lenders, which is considerably more than any other affordability platform.”