Membership Forum to enhance professionalism for bankers
The Chartered Banker Institute recently launched a new Membership Forum (the Forum) to provide an opportunity for a much larger and more diverse group of members to get involved in the governance of the Institute. This Forum also plays an important role in promoting the benefits of membership within banking.
Meeting for the first time, last week, in Edinburgh, the Forum is chaired by David May FCBI, Director of Learning and Development at RBS. Thirty members, recruited by open selection from across our membership, based on expertise, experience and skills, join Mr May on the Panel.
Our Institute – the first institute of bankers in the world – was founded one hundred and forty-four years ago, in 1875, as the Institute of Bankers in Scotland. To mark our centenary in 1975, we received our first Royal Charter and became the Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland. At the end of last year, the award of the Institute’s new Royal Charter established our Institute as the Chartered Banker Institute, the UK’s professional body for bankers with growing global impact and influence.
The new Royal Charter also modernised our Institute’s governance and recognised the collective efforts of our Council, staff, supporting banks and our 33,000 members to enhance and sustain professionalism in banking in recent years.
Later this month, at our AGM, the Institute’s Council will be replaced by a new Board of Trustees. One of the Forum’s principle tasks is to advise the Board on matters relating to membership and on the development of the Institute’s strategic plans.