Planning to start a personal injury law firm? Here are some useful tips

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash
Law is one of the best industries for you to get into. It doesn’t seem that crime is going to stop any time soon. However, criminal law isn’t the only area that’s profitable and where there is a lot of business. Personal injury law is also good.
If you are interested in personal injury law, have qualified as a lawyer, and want to start your own firm, then there are a few things that you should know. This post will tell you about what those things are.
Educating yourself
The first thing that you need to do is to educate yourself about personal injury law. If you studied this at college, then you can skip this step. You also need to take the time to learn about the personal injury claim process with specific insurers. The injury Claim process with GEICO, one of California’s largest insurers, is not necessarily the same as it is with other rival companies. When a client approaches you and asks you to represent them, you need to know exactly what the process is, and what you have to do to get them their compensation. Take the time to learn about all of your state’s insurance companies and their policies in regard to compensation claims. When you have educated yourself, you can then begin worrying about things like marketing.
Online marketing
Marketing is one of the most difficult things for many personal injury lawyers. However, it is vital to your success. You won’t be able to bring exposure to your firm without good online marketing. The best way to ensure that your marketing campaign is effective and attracts your target audience is to employ a professional agency. An agency can do it for you, which will allow you to focus on other things. You should be aware, however; marketing agencies aren’t cheap. You may need to hire several agencies, too. Some agencies specialize in social media marketing, while others do SEO. You need to employ multiple marketing methods if you want to achieve success.
Creating website
You also need a website. You won’t be able to make it as a lawyer without a website. People turn to the internet when they want legal representation, not the Yellow Pages. SEO (search engine optimization) is a form of marketing that involves pushing one’s site up to the top of the search results. You need to employ SEO techniques in your site’s design (i.e., mobile optimization and the creation of consistent content) if you want to be the first thing searchers see when they make searches relative to your niche. Make sure your website is professionally designed, unique, and optimized for speed.
Physical location
You will also probably need a physical location. People expect lawyers to work out of offices, even though a lot of things are handled almost exclusively online nowadays. You don’t need a large office if you are working on your own. You can even work out of your home. However, you do need somewhere for clients to come and meet you. A lot of clients will want to physically meet their lawyers and sit down and talk to them. You need to be able to accommodate such people. So, make sure you have an office space to base yourself on.
Hiring staff

Photo by Mikhail Pavstyuk on Unsplash
You may also need to hire staff. At first, you probably won’t, but if your business grows and gets very popular, then staff will be a necessity. The best way to hire staff is to outsource hiring to a professional agency. A professional hiring agency will be able to vet candidates for you. You will have to interview them yourself, though. Make sure that any employees you hire have experience in personal injury law, too. The more experienced they are, the more they will bring to your company.
Lastly, if you want to be successful as a personal injury lawyer, then you will need to familiarise yourself with the concept of ‘no-win-no-fee’ representation. Most personal injury lawyers offer such services. No-win-no-fee representation is when your clients do not pay you in cash. In fact, they do not pay you at all. You only get paid when you win them their compensation. Then, from their compensation, you take your cut. Usually, this is around 40%. The reason that so many lawyers offer no-win-no-fee services is that it can be very profitable. If you can get 40% of a client’s payout then you can make a lot of money, especially if the payout is a sizable sum.
Personal injury law can be very profitable. It can also be very complex. If you plan on getting into it, then you need to consider everything in this post and more. Be sure to also take the time to research your state’s specific requirements for setting up law firms.