Post-budget statement – Institute of Export & International Trade
Speaking after the chancellor gave his budget speech, director general of the Institute of Export & International Trade, Marco Forgione said: “It is good news that the chancellor has announced a rise in the Department for International Trade’s budget – in particular the allocation of £45m in funding for the Export Support Service holds out the prospect of really making a difference to how the government can help businesses to export.
“There is funding too for radical improvements at the border to streamline traders’ interactions with agencies. The introduction of a Single Trade Window, the funding for which, to the tune of £180m, has now been announced, is an opportunity for a step change in how trade is done.
“Having an efficient, effective border is a big part of facilitating international trade and so the £838 earmarked for upgrading how people and goods get into and out of the UK should signal a big step forward. Digital technology can offer a lot in terms of removing barriers and enabling companies to get what and who they need to their customers quickly and predictably. If admin can be done in advance away from the border itself it reduces the likelihood of the last minute snags and snarl ups that cost businesses so much.
“In the light of the skills shortages, from which we know internationally trading companies are suffering, the commitments of an additional £554m Adult skills and an uplift for apprenticeships are very welcome. Training people to do roles such as customs compliance or logistics management is essential if we are to boost the UK’s international trade performance.
“And as eyes turn towards COP, and the scale of the climate challenge becomes ever more apparent, the moves to green shipping by attracting more carriers to the UK’s stringent standards is to be applauded.”