SEO and social media marketing
SEO or search engine optimization is very important for marketing. Social media allows for brands to reach their target audience effectively and provides the opportunity for brands to communicate with the audience and establish a bond that can lead to brand loyalty. You can use social media alongside your SEO, and other growth services such as Twesocial for Twitter followers, as a powerful marketing tool to inform people about your businesses and this post will look at how you should use social media marketing combined with SEO for the best results. If you do not know what SEO is or how to use it with your social media platforms, here are a few ways in which you can use it for your social media marketing strategy:
What is SEO
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is when you optimize a website or webpage to increase the amount of traffic as well as the quality of traffic from a search engines organic results. SEO brings free traffic to your website every month and it influences social media in many ways including:
- Keyword research can tell you what your followers want: With SEO you can find out what people are searching for.
- SEO means better social performance and tracing: SEO allows you to track and monitor how social media visitors interact with your website.
SEO should definitely be considered for social media when posting because you can tailor your posts and promote content that people are searching for through the Keyword search option.
Benefits of SEO
Besides creating brand loyalty, SEO offers many benefits. Some of those benefits include:
- Content is shared and linked to.
- Your social media profile gains followers and site gains traffic and visibility.
- Community grows around the brand.
- Reinforced brand reputation through consistent interactions made through social media.
- Search engine index is higher.
- People can find site naturally through search engine.
- Longer lifespan of your posts.
To optimize these benefits you should make sure that you Publish high quality content, make sharing your content easy and make the best out of your social media profiles.
Use links
One thing that you should make a habit of doing is using links in your posts sometimes, more specifically backlinks which is a hyperlink from one web page to another website and is one of the most important google ranking factors. If you create content about food and then get backlinks from blogs and websites that write about food specifically, you become more favoured by google and other search engines. It is also important to ensure good quality and quantity when using backlinks because this has an effect on how well your site ranks.
The benefits of backlinks include:
- Builds your brand authority
- Drives steady referral traffic on autopilot
- Long term directory and resource links
- Create new relationships
- Brand exposure and recognition
There are a few down sides of backlinks that need to be considered as well, including:
- They are time consuming
- You might have to pay for a link
- Fewer chances of monetization of the website
Build a following
The technical side of SEO is not the only thing that you should be focused on. If you want to see long term results you need to build a following and focus on the user which is ultimately the most important aspect of social media. To build a following you need to implement the following:
- Build relationships with your followers through active conversation and engagement.
- Produce good quality content at the right quantity (frequently).
- Use hashtags.
- Build partnership campaigns.
The more engaged followers you have, the more brand awareness you create and the more potential traffic on your website.
At first learning about SEO seems complicated and daunting but once you understand it and implement it into your strategy, you will see positive results. If you are in doubt remember that SEO helps your social media profile gain followers and directs traffic to your site, it builds a community around your brand, reinforces brand reputation through consistent interaction on social media and people can find your site naturally through their search engine. It also leads to brand loyalty which is a huge bonus.
If you haven’t already, you should definitely become familiar with SEO and implement it in your social media strategy.