Setting up a home office
1. Incorporating your style
There was a study done by the University of Exeter that found improved productivity, happiness, and health when people made decisions about their workplace. There was a 32% increase in productivity in the participants of the study.
Before hiring an interior designer to help you with design decisions, look at your style. Do you like modern country, art deco, urban décor, or shabby chic? What are some personal items you think inspire you when working? Do you have personal keepsakes that make you happy and motivated? Adding these touches will help in making you more comfortable, which is going to boost your productivity.
2. Applying feng shui principles when positioning the desk
If you find your workplace making you feel sluggish instead of energized, then you should rearrange your workplace using Feng shui principles. Feng shui is a practice using energy balance and spatial arrangement for optimum layout and design. This method has been used by the Chinese for thousands of years. Advocates of this approach believe that positive energy is going to come from the flow of good chi, and energy is going to be affected negatively if the arrangement in the workplace blocks its flow.
People following the Feng Shui principle place their desks in a “commanding position.” This is where your back is not facing the door and the desk should not be close to the door. The best place to have your desk is in a position diagonal to the entrance so you can always be facing the door. On your back, you should have a strong backing, like a wall, instead of a window or an opening.
3. Utilizing the color green in your home office
It is important to choose the right color for painting your office because it plays a role in stimulating productivity and creativity. When it comes to Feng Shui, the color green is associated with decisiveness and growth. It also brings a sense of calm. There is a study from the University of Munich done by Stephanie Lichtenfeld that found green awakens creative performance. They found out that green spurs resulted in open and pure processing associated with creative tasks.
If you don’t think you like having a green office, then you can still get these benefits by going with accent wall green. Another way to introduce green into your office is through plants and other accessories.
4. Proper lighting in your home office including natural lighting
There was a study done by Carnegie Melon University showing that having high lighting levels can increase productivity. There was another study done where they investigated the impact on daylighting in schools. The study found out that students in classrooms that had the largest window has a 15% faster progression in math and 23%in reading compared to those in classrooms with low levels of daylight.
When you choose to work from home, you have the freedom of choosing the location of your office, which means you can choose somewhere that has natural light. You can also optimize your light levels. If you want a boost in productivity, then choose a location receiving natural light. Windows facing the south usually get a lot of sunshine, which is going to come in handy during winter. For great advice for home improvements visit House Method.
Getting it wrong with the lighting will leave you with eye fatigue and drowsiness, which is going to reduce your productivity. You will also need to consider the hue of light. Warm color temperatures make you feel calm, and cool stimulates productivity. It is a good idea to get an LED task light that gives you the option of choosing a color temperature because you can choose one depending on what you are doing.
5. Incorporating a standing desk
People see standing desks as a fad that is going to pass, but what they don’t realize is that they can boost productivity. When you spend most of your time sitting, you will notice a decrease in productivity because of cardiovascular issues, obesity, and a relaxed frame of mind which is common when sitting.
Some people who have tried standing desks have reported achy legs and back pain. The best way to deal with this is to alternate between standing and sitting during the day. You should have a goal for standing. You can start with 4 hours a day. You also need to choose the right type of footwear that provides enough support. Get a motorized standing desk that you can easily adjust when you stand and sit. You will need to spend a little more on adjustable standing desks. A good alternative is getting a standing desk with wheels so you can use it on and off. A tabletop standing desk is another good option because you don’t have to spend much and all you have to do is place it on top of a traditional desk.