Top commercial security investments for landlords post-pandemic
Following the pandemic, the security needs of commercial properties are changing to account for the increases in cyber and physical crime, as well as to combat germ spreading. Unlike residential buildings, commercial properties require greater protection as they see a large volume of people daily.
Building commercial security systems need to be robust and flexible to provide multiple types of protection to account for the constant flow of people. When you think about security technology, you may think of steel shutters and alarm systems, but they no longer provide enough protection for businesses.
The following four commercial security investments are critical to safely securing your commercial property. Together, these systems will give you and your tenants peace of mind in this post-pandemic world.
1. Adopt a converged security approach
Physical security systems are slowly moving to the cloud to defend against physical threats better but physical security teams lack an understanding of digital security, making them more vulnerable to cyber attacks. With converged security, you combine your physical and digital security systems to give a complete overview of the security of the building.
For example, access control systems rely on the management of physical and digital security. These systems control the entry into buildings but with cloud-based access control technology, verification is managed digitally. To control this system effectively, both the physical and digital teams need to understand the logistics of access control so a converged approach is best.
Your physical and IT security team will understand both systems to manage all threats together which will strengthen your security system and quicken your response time. A faster and more cohesive response will protect your tenants better and act as a deterrent to potential criminals.
2. Invest in touchless and hygiene based technology
There is a lot of anxiety around germs following the pandemic that can leave tenants and visitors feeling uneasy. By integrating hygiene technology into your existing security system, you can make people feel doubly protected in your property.
Wellness technology includes temperature checks, health surveys, and wellness verification. These technologies will gather this information to evaluate whether you are healthy enough to enter the building. If you display any symptoms, the system will block your access for the safety of other employees. Coupling wellness technology with touchless access will reduce the likelihood of illness and put employees at ease.
Touchless access is a great way to reduce the spread of germs as door handles are rendered moot. Instead of touching the same handle as 40 people, you can tap or wave your mobile key card with a keyless door entry system to avoid picking up other people’s germs. A smaller spread of germs reduces illnesses particularly for vulnerable people with compromised systems.
The benefits of touchless access systems extend beyond hygiene. They are great ways to reduce costs, lost keys, and maintain a secure property which retains tenants and increases your ROI overall.
3. Integrate your security systems
With the Internet of things, you can connect all of your systems to one network for easy access. In one place, you could find your physical access control, visitor management, and building management systems which would allow them to work cohesively together. These highly encrypted hubs protect your building better while streamlining your security system to perform efficiently.
By integrating your independent security systems, you gain an enhanced perspective of the building’s security at all times. An interoperable system is customizable to your security needs, allowing you to alter the system if your requirements change or you install new technology.
Some systems are not interoperable, so you should look into this before purchasing as it limits the scalability of your security system as a whole. Your needs will not remain stagnant; they will change as your threats change also, and you need to be prepared to combat them. Turning your building into a smart building is an effective way to be ready for any form of attack.
4. Consider an automated building management system
An automated building management system works off your physical access controls to adjust the electrical systems. It is great for saving energy which in turn saves costs for landlords. With energy prices rising in the post-pandemic world, it is important to find energy saving tactics like automated building management systems.
The way it works is if a person leaves a room, access control coupled with video will inform the system that the room is empty and trigger the building management system. Then, the automated system will adjust the lights and temperature to a lower number to save resources automatically.
A reduction in electrical usage is good financially but also for the environment as when less energy is used, less energy needs to be generated. Overall, an automated building management system is a great way to utilize access control systems to save money and the environment.