Aldermore launches Landlord Hub for buy-to-let customers and brokers
Aldermore has announced the launch of a new Landlord Hub, which will host information and expert commentary on the buy-to-let market.
The hub is a key source of information for current and aspiring landlords, plus their advisers, who are looking to start or expand their property portfolio.
The new hub contains a market overview section providing information on the buy to let market and an existing customer section that provides clients with comprehensive information on a variety of topics, such as what a change in base rate might mean for them, as well as an FAQ section and mortgage glossary.
The Landlord Hub can be accessed here:
Charles Haresnape, group managing director, Mortgages at Aldermore, said:
“The launch of our Landlord Hub comes in response to feedback from our residential mortgage customers and brokers. We are constantly looking at ways to improve the experience that we offer to both our existing and future customers which is why we place great importance on listening to their needs.
“This new resource contains valuable information and commentary to help guide both new and experienced landlords through the process.”