ASTL and FIBA invite lenders to support education programme
The ASTL and FIBA have written to members and partners respectively, inviting them to support the development and delivery of the Certified Practitioner in Specialist Property Finance (CPSP) education programme, which will launch in the first quarter of this year.
The trade associations have worked together and with the LIBF over the last 18 months in preparing CPSPF, which will provide a definitive and targeted education programme for the Short Term and Specialist Lending sector.
With the launch imminent and the project budget finalised, the ASTL and FIBA are inviting members to support the cost of setting up the programme with a one-off contribution. In return, all supporting firms will receive three course membership places free of charge, representing a saving of £750 and providing an incentive for people within supporting businesses to obtain the CPSP accreditation early.
Both the ASTL and FIBA have already received pledges of support from members and partners and are now opening up the invitation to support the initiative more widely.
Anyone wishing to register their interest in taking the CPSP qualification, can do so now at:
Adam Tyler, executive chairman at FIBA, says: “After many months of hard work from our 18 authors and question writers from across the industry on the 13 topics that make up the CPSP, we are nearing the conclusion of the programme. The LIBF are close to finalising each of the modules into a fully online format, that will be a fantastic addition to how we support both our members and our lender partners at FIBA.”
Vic Jannels, CEO at the ASTL says: “This has been a long but exciting journey and I want to pay tribute to all of those who have been involved in delivering the CPSP initiative. I have every confidence that advisers will take the opportunity to take this qualification to demonstrate their commitment to high standards of customer service and competency.
“We have already had many pledges of support to help fund the cost of launching this initiative and are grateful to all of our supporters who are playing their role in helping to raise standards and advance the reputation of our industry.”