Business Money is 21 today! A personal message from Bob
It seems a long time ago that my son, Ben, and I walked to the local post box in Street with our first consignment of Business Money and realised that the box was not big enough to take it! The bottom of a steep learning curve that continues, ever upward. It was 11.00 am and following three months of hard work and the last three, sleepless, nights ensuring that we hit the 24 June deadline, we handed the delivery to the postman, emptying said postbox into his van and did what all good men should do: retreated to the local pub for refreshment.
Business Money has some plans for the next 21 years, as revolutionary as the present day product would have seemed in 1993. Watch this space.
I have made so many good friends along the way and should like to thank them all for their comradeship and support. If this sounds like a retirement message – no way!
If anybody still has a copy of edition number one please contact me. It might be an excuse for a party, entry only to those producing edition number one at the door!
Bob Lefroy Editor.