CBI responds to Labour proposals on employment tribunals
The CBI responded to Labour proposals on employment tribunals made in a speech by shadow business secretary, Chuka Ummuna MP.
Neil Carberry, CBI director for employment and skills policy, said:
“It is important to remember that an effective system of employment tribunals has to work fairly for both employees and businesses.
“Firms have been frustrated for years by delays in the system and by false and misleading claims that take up time and resources. Businesses want to see a return to a less bureaucratic system that deals with claims more quickly and run by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, rather than the Court Service.
“Recent reforms which encourage early resolution of disputes are a step in the right direction, and fees to make a claim are a vital part of that.
“Fees should not remove access to justice for those with legitimate claims, so a review of the level set is something businesses could support.”