CHL Mortgages appointed by Tenet
CHL Mortgages, the intermediary-only specialist buy-to-let lender, has been appointed by Tenet to its lending panel.
CHL’s product range caters for first-time landlords, portfolio landlords and limited companies covering a variety of buy-to-let investment vehicles including HMOs, MUFBs, new build, ex local authority and commercial properties.
Tenet is a multi-award-winning financial adviser support group, providing an extensive range of services to hundreds of appointed representatives and directly authorised financial adviser firms across the UK.
Ross Turrell, commercial director, CHL Mortgages commented “Tenet is one of the UK’s largest adviser support groups, and its established infrastructure and expert resources support hundreds of appointed representatives and directly authorised firms across the UK.
“It’s essential to CHL that our distribution panel not only supports our existing product range, it also allows for further extension of our lending proposition.
Forming effective partnerships with strong distribution partners such as Tenet ensures that we are well placed to maintain our growth trajectory and continue to deliver good value product backed by common-sense underwriting.”
Ben Wright, director of strategic development at Tenet added: “We’re always looking to make great quality products available to our advisers and CHL’s expertise in the Buy to Let space will definitely enhance our advisers offering.
“Adding to our lending panel and providing a wide variety of choice to our advisers is key to supporting their growth and we were particularly impressed with CHLs products and criteria for Limited Company lending, which appears to be growing in popularity.”