Don’t make these 3 crippling production line errors!

Photo by Kateryna Babaieva
It’s a point of pride to have product designs in hand and ready for manufacturing. You’ve accepted a prototype, developed your production space, and know exactly how much volume you can craft per day, or to-order.
So far, so good right? Yet it’s important to note that even if you’ve considered all of the safety implications, if you’ve met the regulatory measures that add parameters to your manufacturing capabilities, and you’re raring to go, it’s still possible to make mistakes here.
Unfortunately, a problem with your production line can suspend manufacturing productivity for a number of weeks, cause unexpected safety issues, or even cause logistical errors in your management pipeline
It’s unlikely you’re gunning for any of these scenarios to become reality. So, let’s consider the manufacturing or production line errors that can lead to them, ensuring that you pre-emptively eradicate any mistakes that could or would have been made:
Poor storage & inventory
You can produce the best products on a consistent timeline, but if your storage, retention, inventory management, and logistical approach leave something to be desired, then you’ll suffer delays to your productive capacity. Ensuring your warehouse design is large enough, your storage measures are competent and regularly reviewed, your staff is trained in correct handling, and your logistics arrive on time will ensure that you never have to throw out inventory due to improper storage. Also makes sure you invest in good safety and security measures like measuring humidity, moisture, airflow, and temperature or gating access to your products and raw materials to ensure quality control is approved by the right staff, and nothing goes missing.
Safety & accountability
Safety and accountability really does matter when it comes to your production line, but that’s more than lip service, the latter enforces the former most of all. For example, it’s not good enough to make sure you have the right safety equipment, lighting and emergency stop buttons available – who is checking these, replacing them, and responsible for investigating reports or fault should issues occur? A robust accountability and signoff process will ensure your approach to production line safety management is routinely enforced. You will manage your responsibilities this way, and also chase that ever-necessary 0% of safety issues each year.
Cheapened manufacturing molds & parts
Don’t cheap out on the essential industrial casting and machined parts you need to structure your production line. Doing so can provide inconsistencies, even safety issues, and so it’s always important to work closely with an engineering outfit that can provide perfect models as required. As such, it’s also important to invest in high-quality machinery and tools that are easily operable and can be inspected each day for general function. Make sure all tools you use are under warranty and undergo regular servicing to avoid mistakes that put you, or your products, in harm’s way.
With this advice, you’ll be sure to avoid making those worrying and sometimes crippling production line errors. Who knows how much difficulty this could save you in the long run?