FPB calls on regulated pubcompanys to offer rent holiday to tied tenants, in the event of enforced closure
The Forum of Private Business has joined forced with Fairmile Accountancy who operate a Facebook group for publicans, representing over 3500 business.
The group is acting as a conduit to the industry as thousands of tenants face the uncertainty of the possibility of imminent temporary closure of pubs.
Ian Cass, the MD has written to all of the CEOs of the main 6 regulated subcompany’s asking them to provide a rental holiday in the event that pubs are forced to shut as part of the government’s response to the Covid19.
Ian Cass, said ‘For years the large pub owning businesses have spoken loudly about their love for pubs, communities and the support they offer their business partners, and this unprecedented crisis, offers them an opportunity to support those words with actions.’