Google’s latest algorithm updates set to impact marketing SEO practices
Almost every online marketer knows and appreciates Google’s powerful dominance of online search. Google currently owns over 70% of the search market share. But it doesn’t end there; Google also captures a massive 85% of all mobile traffic.
It’s no secret that marketers tweak their online marketing efforts to fully exploit Google algorithms and increase their content visibility. It’s also no secret that SEO optimization is at the heart of almost all these online marketing efforts. As a result, it’s no surprise that Google’s algorithms always impact marketing SEO practices across the globe. With Google updating its algorithms between 500 to 600 times per year, it’s necessary to find out how the latest updates are set to impact marketing SEO practices.
First of all, it’s important to mention some noteworthy updates marketers can expect as 2022 continues to unfold. They include Page Experience updates, Summer Board Core updates, Multitask Unified Model (MUM) updates, Link Spam updates, to mention a few.
The first impact is on long-term planning. For so long, many people had only used SEO strategies with the expectation and intention of seeing quick results in the amount of traffic their content attracts online. Many SEO experts have taken advantage of this need to promise quick results that would drastically move content to the top of organic rankings. Google’s latest updates mean that SEO experts and online marketing professionals will have to abandon their quick result mentality and start planning more long-term strategies. Today, the best and most reliable SEO experts focus mainly on SEO services that yield results within six months, not overnight. Those six months are packed with top-quality, ethical, and long-term SEO strategies.
With proper planning comes great content. Google’s latest algorithm updates will also ensure that online marketers create better content. Google now focuses more on content that delivers just the information a reader is looking for. In fact, one of Google’s core aims is to give the user what they’re searching for. Three things come into play here.
First, you can deliver great content with the help of popular keywords or phrases readers use. Secondly, your content carries the information or answers a reader needs, encouraging them to spend more time on your site. Thirdly, you need to provide consistency in how often you deliver great content. One of the only ways you’ll benefit from this algorithm update is if your content comes up high in many Google search results. This doesn’t happen with quick-result strategies. It requires a long-term approach to SEO strategies.
Improved user experience is another area that Google’s algorithm updates will impact. Page Experience Update, for example, will consider a site’s mobile-friendly nature and the visual elements it offers. It’ll also flag down intrusive ads or pop-ups that affect user experience. Google’s Link Spam update will also target link spam or content that contains links only in an attempt to increase search rankings without following Google’s best practices. Additionally, Google may even have penalties for sites that use these strategies.