Hickman Shearer exploring the impact of climate change on the values of capital assets
The RICS Valuation Conference in London on the 21 February will focus on how the industry is responding to ESG and asset impairment. One of the sessions will be led by Tim Chapman, managing director at Hickman Shearer who will be facilitating a session within the machinery and businessassets breakout stream centred around the impact that climate change has on capital asset valuations.
Tim is a specialist plant and equipment valuer with over 30 years’ experience; is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), a RICS registered valuer and has an MSc from Cranfield University in Sustainable Design. He has significant experience in asset management, corporate finance, debt advisory, balance sheet and purchase price allocation, restructuring and regulatory valuations. Hickman Shearer is a leading independent capital asset valuation, management and used equipment sales company.
As a business Hickman Shearer have long been proactively addressing the rising concerns about climate change. Particularly as businesses and investors become more and more aware of the potential risks and threats of climate change, but not all are recognising the inherent financial risk as capital assets employed in high-risk sectors become obsolescent and ‘stranded’. These concerns were shared in a Hickman Shearer white paper revealing how this was impacting stranded asset impairment valuation.
As Tim says, “The future is promising to be challenging in the valuation sector. This is why we are working with RICS and the wider capital asset valuation profession to develop the impacts of net zero on asset valuation. We need to be prepared to understand more about the implications of what we do, how this impacts balance sheet valuations for asset owners and operators.”
He continues, “The RICS conference will provide an opportunity for the facts around climate change and its impact on capital asset valuation to be better understood. .”