How maintaining your house on time can save you money

Photo by Blue Bird
A complete roof repair, termite extermination, plumbing, and repairs regarding the eclectic and heat installation are all things waiting around the corner at one point. However, if you keep checking all the basics around the home, you can save yourself a lot of trouble, time, and money in the long run. How come, you might ask? Read on, as we’ll discuss exactly that in the text below.
Roof repairments
A complete roof replacement can cost you several tens of thousands of dollars, with estimates going as high as $40,000 depending on the contractor and the type of material you use. Now, replacing a whole roof is rare but not uncommon as people often tend to it, leading to negligence and major repair issues later. Instead of waiting for this to happen, a much better solution is to take care of these issues as soon as possible. Basic roof repairs include the removal of all shingles, the sealing of holes, filling the cracks, replacing rusty and old nails with new ones, taking care of the waterproof layers beneath, and making sure the insulation is in place. All these can cost you far less than having to replace the roof completely. Also, unclogging the drainage is another key element in house maintenance as it can cause the dripping of accumulated mud, water, and debris, which has the tendency to cause wall stains and mold. It can also become a focus for bacteria and different infectious diseases.
These simple repairs, if done on time and over a period of two years, will save you much more money later. It seems like a lot of work, but most of it is done if necessary, and what we highly suggest is annual inspections done by professionals.
Siding repairs and replacements
The siding of your house is an essential component in determining the overall sturdiness and resistance of the walls when faced with harsh weather conditions. Weather conditions such as wind, hurricanes, rain, and hail can damage the exterior and cause further issues. For this, look for professional contractors with experience in this kind of repair. For example, if you live in Washington state, you can look for contractors based in Seattle, as these companies are best acquainted with the region’s climate and conditions. Local companies have a better understanding of your house’s needs and what issues you might face, as the type of repairs and possible damage depends on the climate and overall temperature. Also, when some parts of the wall’s siding are already damaged beyond repair, harsh winds can easily rip off the siding, causing cracks and major holes in the house’s exterior. All this can be prevented if one acts on time and makes sure the walls and siding are being repaired whenever there are visible issues.
Heating/cooling installations

Photo by Cal David
The heating and cooling systems of the house really differ from region to region and can also be affected by the owner’s financial situation. However, whether you go for gas, wood, or coal during the winter or for regular ACs in the summer, keeping track of these components is essential. Your AC needs, for example, a regular filter replacement and inspections done by a professional. If you don’t attend to this, the AC can cause irregular circulation of the air and might contribute to the formation of mold in the corners of the house. Also, filters can host bacteria and viruses if they are not removed regularly.
Regarding the heating, taking care of the tubes is a must unless you want to be on the headlines of local newspapers reading; “gas leak caused major fire and damage”. Unfortunately, this reality happens quite often, and therefore, attending to the heating system and taking care of all the components from the tubes to the boiler can not only save you from fire and house damage, but it can also save your life.
On-the-clock inspections
Annual inspections are often required by law and can save you a lot of time and money. Not only money and time, but stress as well, as these major home renovations are known to be an emotional rollercoaster with their ups and downs. Scheduling and taking care of annual inspections is a lifesaver in the long run, and highly advanced.
We hope you’ll look at home renovations and repairs as an investment that will save you later when things are damaged beyond repair, as it will cost you much more to replace them completely than to repair them.