Microsoft ExamSnap MS-900 & Exam Dumps: The full guide to Microsoft 365 fundamentals
Microsoft is known for many things, and one of them is its certification program. The company offers many certificates that have helped thousands of people over the years. If you are someone who is interested in Cloud computing and want to understand its advantages, then you should think about taking the ExamSnap . This test is designed for those individuals who want to validate their knowledge related to the benefits of adopting Cloud services. There is a lot that you don’t know about this certification exam, so here we are going to take a closer look at it.
Potential candidates
One thing that you need to know about the ExamSnap Microsoft MS-900 exam is that it is designed for a specific group of people. This test is ideal for the individuals who have knowledge of Cloud services and Software-as-a-Service Cloud model. If you have some experience in the field, then it will certainly be helpful for you as well. There are many topics in the exam to learn, so it is advised that the candidates create a plan and follow it.
Exam pattern and topics
If you want to pass the Exam Collection Microsoft Certification – MS-900 : Microsoft 365 Fundamentals exam with flying colors, you need to know its details. The first thing that you should understand is that it is 60 minutes long. During this time, the applicants will have to answer about 60 questions that are based on the following formats: multiple choice, hot area, drag and drop, case study, and so on. The minimum passing score for the test is 700 points and it will cost you $99. You can take the exam in various languages, including English, Spanish, French, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese.
The Microsoft MS-900 exam consists of various topics that are as follows:
Describe cloud concepts (10-15%)
- Describe the benefits and considerations for using Cloud services instead of on-premises services;
- Describe different types of available Cloud services.
Describe core Microsoft 365 services & concepts (30-35%)
- Describe ExamSnap Microsoft 365 collaboration solutions;
- Understand the analytics capabilities in Microsoft 365;
- Describe the options for deploying as well as supporting Office & Windows;
- Identify the core Microsoft 365 capabilities.
Explain privacy, security, compliance, & trust in Microsoft 365 (30-35%)
- Describe the information protection & governance solutions;
- Describe the service trust portal, compliance manager, as well as Microsoft 365 security center;
- Explain threat protection in ExamSnap Microsoft 365;
- Identify the access management & identity concepts;
- Explain the concepts of the unified endpoint management;
- Explain the zero-trust security principles for Microsoft 365.
Describe Microsoft 365 pricing & support (20-25%)
- Describe the support offerings for Microsoft 365 services;
- Describe the service lifecycle in Microsoft 365;
- Identify the licensing options available in Microsoft 365;
- Compare, predict, and plan pricing.
Now you know the most important details regarding the ExamSnap Microsoft MS-900 exam. Passing this test and earning the associated certification will help you move forward in your career. The Microsoft exams can be tough, but if you are willing to work hard, there is a high chance that you will succeed. Just work on the concepts and don’t try to rush anything when you are taking your test.