No internet? Here are 10 things to keep you occupied
No internet? Well, this sounds like a nightmare; no one would ever want to imagine such days. Well, it seems to be literally impossible because even if your Wi-Fi fails, you can always use your mobile data. But there may be times when you have not paid your phone bill, the network is down, or you are on a flight where you cannot use the cell. Scared of boredom if that happens? Well, we have come up with a bunch of ideas to help keep you stay occupied till your internet connection restores.
1. Phone a friend:
Do something like the old days and just pick up your phone to talk to a friend of yours. You will enjoy the direct conversation more than just typing online messages.
2. Watch an offline movie:
You can always download a movie on your phone when on Wi-Fi by directly converting YouTube to mp4. you need to just paste the URL on the page. Store this file on your laptop, phone, or tab and enjoy videos or a movie while you are on a flight or when your internet connection is down.
3. Listen to an offline podcast:
If you enjoy listening to podcasts, keep a few of your favorite ones downloaded on your device. You can always enjoy listening to it, even when offline.
4. Enjoy shows on the classic cable:
Before Netflix, you used to watch Television using the cable connection or a set-top-box. Why don’t you enjoy watching some regular TV rather than streaming services? Remember, a bunch of shows streaming on OTT platforms actually first air on the television.
5. Listen to the radio:
While this may sound old school, it is still fun to do. Also, the unpredictability of what will come next on the radio is quite fun, honestly.
6. Read a book:
When there is not internet, give your gadget some rest and read a new book of your choice. It becomes tough to enjoy a book uninterrupted with your phone always around. An uninterrupted reading session is always refreshing.
7. Play some offline music:
Download your favorite music on your phone to play when there is no internet. You can directly download music on your music app, and the list appears automatically when your phone becomes offline.
8. Spend time with your family members:
Spending quality time with your family can be the most entertaining thing. Have a conversation, build something together or play a board game. Doing things together will help you have a good time.
9. Play offline games:
While most games today demand an internet connection as they are stored on the cloud, a few games still download on your phone and can be played even when there is no internet connection. Do not download too many such games; it will occupy your phone’s memory, but one or two such games will not be an issue.
If you have a few of your own ideas to share, you can always add them to this list to make the most of your ‘no internet’ time!