The Great Southern Business Money Commercial Finance Dinner
Following an outstanding Business Money dinner in Manchester I have pleasure in announcing that our 2015 London dinner will take place on 5 February.
We will stage it at the Thistle Marble Arch once more. Not only has the feedback from our guests been good, the atmosphere and service are first class and the location is convenient for those who wish to travel home on late trains.
May I suggest that you book early to avoid the disappointment? The management at the Thistle has arranged the room for optimum occupancy which means tables of 11 and 12 are available. We already have bookings for almost 20% of capacity before our first marketing letter has been sent!
May I thank you in advance for your help in smoothing the arrangements for what I am sure will be another memorable event. I look forward very much to welcoming you.
With kind regards
Yours sincerely
Bob Lefroy
Group Editor