The security guide to protecting your data for business professionals

Photo by Brina Blum on Unsplash
What is the worst online security threat to any company? Any business professional with data to safeguard knows the answer to this question. Cyber threats worldwide have seen a tremendous increase, such that several companies/organizations have lost millions due to security breaches. The funny thing is, even when you think you’ve added a new layer of security to protect your data, these hackers find a way to get around it nonetheless.
Therefore, every firm has data to protect, some more than others; it could be customer data or even employee data. This information must not end in the wrong hands, as it could cause serious complications, putting your customers in harm’s way. Hence, you must safeguard your data and do everything possible to prevent a cyber breach.
Consequently, in this article, we would be discussing 5 cybersecurity tips for safeguarding your data in today’s cyberspace.
5 security tips to protect your data
Tip 1: Use an encrypted internet connection
Problem: Connection via unencrypted Wi-fi exposes you to cybercriminals spying on your data. You must understand that any conversation over the internet is two-way traffic. Hence, there could be a spy positioned at a point, watching and getting the details of your going and coming.
Solution: Never communicate on the internet using an unencrypted network, so you must encrypt your network by a VPN. The primary function of a VPN is to hide your IP address so the network can redirect your data using a remote VPN server which automatically becomes your data source. It encrypts your data and turns it to gibberish such that no one understands what it says. That way, no one can track your activities on the internet, not even your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
Tip 2: Use a password manager
Problem: Using the same password across several accounts is a poor password policy. This is because any hacker who can successfully gain control of one account automatically has access to the others if you have similar passwords across all accounts. But then what if you are not good with remembering passwords?
Solution: You need a password manager. It is a third-party platform that helps to create a master password for all users across your account. This way, every user receives access as deemed fit by the password managers and administrators. Several password managers exist that can help your network users to track all the passwords across multiple accounts.
Tip 3: Update your OS to the latest versions regularly
Problem: Every version of the software has what we call software vulnerabilities; this refers to a weakness or hole found in the operating system or the software program. They are often the primary targets of hackers who write malware codes that would help take down that software and expose your entire network to further vulnerabilities.
Solution: Do not be tempted to click the “remind me later” button when you get a notification of an available software update. This step is because every update comes with patches for these holes, therefore keeping hackers.
Tip 4: Use two-factor authentication
Problem: Sometimes, hackers can guess your password and gain access to your account without you being aware. This situation is disastrous as your clients think they are interacting with you, passing sensitive information, and making transactions, whereas it’s a hacker.
Solution: Use a Two-factor authentication to provide an extra security layer to your accounts. This makes it nearly impossible to gain access. In this method, it is no longer enough to know a business account password. The account owner/administrator has to grant access, especially when the login is from a different device.
Tip 5: Be careful of phishing emails
Problem: Phishers now embed phishing links into emails and send them to a company that carelessly signs up for newsletters online. Clicking on such links can leave you vulnerable to attacks.
Solution: Inform/educate your employees about how to identify phishing links. Avoid links starting with HTTP rather than HTTPS as they are not secured. Overall, they should avoid emails containing attachments from unknown sources.
Tip 6: Use an antivirus software
Problem: Often, we download data from the internet, and some of these might be hosts to various malware such as spyware, Trojan Horses, etc. They roam around your computer looking for sensitive information to send back to the malware source.
Solution: Get antivirus software to help identify these threats and provide you with adequate protection. They immediately delete any program containing malicious software (malware) or place them aside for you to determine if they are worth keeping or not. Also, ensure you do not download data from unknown sources.
In the last year, there has been a considerable increase in the rate of hacking and other cyber threats faced by business professionals. And the fact that most companies have switched to remote working principle due to the COVID-19 has not in any way helped matters, as it has opened the doors wide for malicious malware attacks and data breaching by others.
Therefore, if you must keep your company’s financial and customer data secured, there are essential tips to follow, and these have been discussed in this article. Keep these in mind as you fight against hackers, phishers, and malicious attacks that leave you vulnerable; best of luck in the battle ahead.