The top tips on how to upgrade your manufacturing performance
The past decade has made large advances in the field of manufacturing. This is largely due to companies, both big and small making investments in technology to help improve their manufacturing performance. However, if you are struggling with your own manufacturing performance it may be time for an upgrade. If this sounds like you, below are some top tips on how to upgrade your manufacturing performance.
Outsource manufacturing
If you have been trying to increase your manufacturing productivity but failing then outsourcing may be the answer that you need. By outsourcing all or some of your manufacturing operations it can give you more time to focus on growing existing business areas as well as opening up new markets which will lead to growth within itself. As the folks at OEE explain, hiring people who know what they’re doing often means better tools for an upgrade, like software. In turn, this could help accelerate your company growth and make your manufacturing processes more efficient.
Use 3D printing
If you are looking for a way to produce prototypes of new products quickly, cheaply and efficiently then 3D printing could be the answer. This technology prints three-dimensional objects from a digital file using very small amounts of plastic, metal or other materials.
In addition to being able to print complex shapes which traditional manufacturing methods have been unable to do so, the technology is also capable of producing many items at once as it works on a batch process just like regular printers would. This means that you can save both time and money by using this method compared with other conventional means such as die-casting or machining.
Re-evaluate your maintenance processes
Maintenance is vital for any manufacturing process business to work efficiently. However, if you are not maintaining your equipment properly then it could be the reason behind your struggles with productivity. Take a step back and look at your existing maintenance processes as well as the condition of your equipment. If necessary make some changes to how equipment is maintained or replaced, or find ways to reduce downtimes by hiring more skilled technicians who can maintain several pieces of equipment at once. A good place to start looking for new employees is Monster.
Implement new technology
If you have already taken care of outsourcing and implementing 3D printing into all or part of your manufacturing process then this next tip will surely help improve manufacturing performance further still. You should now evaluate what other new technologies are available which you could implement into your manufacturing operation.
If you are unsure, there are many manufacturers who will be more than happy to come and take a look at how they can help improve your operation.
Automate your processes
Automate some processes. By automating repetitive, high volume jobs within your manufacturing process you should see an increase in productivity as well as quality overall. This is because these processes are now being carried out repeatedly by machines rather than people who could make mistakes or become tired during long shifts. One way these tasks can be automated is through predictive maintenance software. Through this, you can send regular tasks to be carried out by machines in order to meet specific conditions that need to be fulfilled. For example, you could instruct the software to activate certain automated processes when machine usage reaches below a particular level.
This ensures that all of your equipment is working at maximum levels of performance and efficiency in comparison with just manually checking them without predictive maintenance software.
Increase employee productivity
Another way that you can increase employee productivity is by implementing new technology into the training of your employees. This could be through video conferencing or streaming technologies which enables them to connect with experts in other locations who can show them how to complete tasks. As well as increasing productivity it will also enhance communication across different sites and improve knowledge sharing between employees at all levels.
This allows employees to do more for themselves rather than waiting around for help.
Track outcome not output
Another way that you can increase productivity is by using outcome tracking instead of just measuring the output of your manufacturing process. This means that you should measure the success of your processes based on how well they have met set outcomes or goals that need to be achieved. For example, if you are trying to improve uniformity then measure the uniformity and not just the time it takes to produce individual items. By focusing on long-term efficiency and quality whilst managing costs and customer satisfaction you increase the likelihood of your company growing in a sustainable manner.
Stop viewing your manufacturing processes as separate systems
Instead, start seeing your manufacturing process as a whole and how it fits together. By doing this you will see where the most efficient places to cut costs are and where new technologies can be implemented without any issues or setbacks. Think about the whole process – It is very common for companies to focus on individual parts of their process and not on the bigger picture. If you would like to increase your manufacturing performance then start thinking about adding value to each part of your process and how they come together as a whole.
This will allow you to streamline all of the processes involved which you should be able to see as an overall increase in productivity as well as quality as there are less likely to be mistakes within the workflow that could cause issues further down the line or delays in getting products out on time.
As mentioned before, it doesn’t hurt to take a step back and look at what you’re currently doing within your own warehouse or factory floor in order to determine if any improvements can be made. Offshoring your entire operation could yield positive results but so will implementing new technology into the way you work. This is why outsourcing certain processes may not have been the answer either, as other factors may come into play that needs addressing first in order to achieve maximum production rates. By following these tips on how to upgrade your manufacturing performance you should be able to see positive results pretty quickly.