US cybersecurity trends helping UK businesses
Cybersecurity is a major concern for most businesses nowadays. The threats are very real and they can’t be ignored for a second longer. At the moment, it tends to be the case that new waves and new varieties of cybercrime and attacks are experienced in America first before being seen elsewhere.
That’s giving companies in the UK the chance to watch and learn from what’s happening in the US before doing what they can to make their approach to cybersecurity that little bit safer. Trends over there tell businesses what’s likely to happen here next, giving them the chance to prepare. Find out more about this below.
Cyber attacks have risen sharply in the US
It’s very clear that cyber attacks in the US have been on the rise in recent times and that’s something that can be seen in the data that companies are releasing about such events. With geopolitical factors all the way up to the government level now influencing the prevalence of cyber attacks, it’s something that all orgnaisations now need to take seriously. Failure to do so could make businesses an easier target because they won’t have the right protections in place.
A similar pattern is emerging in the UK
One thing we’re seeing is UK businesses being targeted in similar ways to US businesses. That’s not a surprise but it is valuable from the point of view of taking action because when these actions are first spotted in the US, it’s easier to take action to mitigate them here in the UK. It gives companies here a headstart in dealing with potential threats and even just knowing what to look for. That’s why it pays off for businesses to have informed cybersecurity professionals in place.
Cybercriminals are adapting their practices
Something that’s always been true of cybercriminals is their willingness to make changes to their practices when it makes sense for them to do so. They keep their victims on their feet by switching up their methods and always looking for new vulnerabilities that they can exploit. That obviously works for them and it can be a source of endless frustration for businesses that need to stay on top of those threats.
External threats are rising faster than internal threats
One thing that data in the US is telling us right now is that external threats are rising faster than internal threats. An internal threat might relate to attacks and hacks carried out by disgruntled employees, for example. Those have been big problems for businesses in the past and there’s still a threat from them. But worryingly, it’s now the case that external threats from more organised hacking groups are on the rise and more likely to impact businesses than internal threats.
Lacking staff training can be a problem
Poor staff training is a big problem when it comes to avoiding cybersecurity issues. When staff members are not trained properly it creates a potential risk because it means that they aren’t getting the information they need regarding how to spot and deal with potential threats. Staff error is still one of the main ways in which cyber-attacks succeed. Clicking a bad link and letting a virus onto the entire company’s system is very possible, especially when staff don’t understand these risks.
The public sector is increasingly being targeted
Another trend that’s been picked up in America is the fact that public sector companies and organisations are now being targeted more than those in the private sector. As cyber-attacks become a tool for political battling, it’s believed that nation-states are now targeting one another, which puts those operating for the government, such as all kinds of contractors or those firmly in the public sector more at risk. That’s something that the UK needs to take more notice of.
Authentication and encryption are regarded as increasingly important
There are certain steps that are now considered more important than ever before when it comes to cybersecurity. Businesses are trying to put in place extra layers of authentication, such as 2FA or two-factor authentication. This ensures only the right people have access to systems and sensitive information. It’s important also to develop an IT strategy that takes security into account at every stage, and things like encryption are increasingly part of that. That way, information can’t be intercepted, leaked, or stolen as easily.
More secure cloud practices are needed
Cloud security is also now seen as a potential point of weakness for many companies. Lots of them have migrated to the cloud without really considering the implications for security and how security problems can be averted in that particular area. Any businesses that store important information in the cloud should ensure they have a fully formed plan in place for how to make the cloud network more secure than it might be currently. Failing to secure it properly can make the entire business more vulnerable to outside attacks.
Investment in security solutions is rising in the US
We’re also seeing the US rising to the threat of cybercrime better than ever before. Evidence for that can be seen in the increase in spending on cyber protections in the last year. It’s something that businesses in the UK will need to follow in order to stay protected and keep up with the US. as cyber attacks become ever more advanced, it’s important that the protections in place are just as advanced too. If they’re not, the cyber criminals will end up gaining the upper hand in this battle. Of course, the investments businesses need to make should be carefully considered and tailored to the threats the business faces.
There’s clearly a lot that UK businesses and public sector organisations can learn from the experiences of their US equivalents. By understanding the threats out there and the most appropriate actions to combat them, businesses can protect themselves against the devastation that can be caused by cyber-attacks these days.