Why your organization needs digital marketing transformation
Every business today needs a digital presence and an outreach plan to succeed. The strong online presence ensures the business remains in the forefront of a customer’s mind and helps bring new leads to the organization. Any business that is lacking in this area loses out on business and risks going under.
With the help of a digital marketing transformation, every business can improve operations. This includes brick-and-mortar organizations and those that are strictly online. For example, many companies need better SEO, as search engine optimization serves as a crucial component of any digital marketing plan. Why does every business need to undergo a digital transformation?
Understanding digital transformation
CIO Magazine reports a digital transformation necessarily disrupts a business, as the organization reshapes business processes to improve outcomes. This radical process alters how every aspect of the business is done, and it affects everyone associated with the company. The process involves an integration of digital technologies to alter the way the business operates and how it brings value to clients. This cultural change works to provide customers with more value. When the transformation is complete, online marketing efforts increase with the use of digital tools and strategies. Why would a business undergo a transformation?
Increased profitability
Eighty percent of companies that undergo a digital transformation find they increase profitability. These processes help to bring talent to an organization and keep existing talent. In addition, digital transformation helps develop existing talent. All increase the company’s bottom line. In fact, almost 20 percent of American businesses say digital transformation altered their talent management processes.
In addition, the digital transformation has a positive effect on employee engagement. Sixty-four percent of businesses state employees are more engaged following this transformation. This is of importance as people matter. They form the backbone of any business, and happy employees are more productive than unhappy ones.
Improved customer satisfaction
Forbes reports over 40 percent of data analytics projects in 2020 would focus on the customer experience. Sadly, less than 20 percent of businesses have a customer service department focused on bridging gaps in the business. Experts state businesses see up to a 30 percent increase in customer satisfaction when they undergo a digital transformation and focus on the customer experience.
A company’s competitive edge often comes from the customer experience it delivers, and 67 percent of customers say they will pay more to have an excellent customer experience. This experience increases the customer’s loyalty, which means they are more likely to purchase from the company in the future. Every business must consider this when determining if the company needs a digital transformation.
Increased speed-to-market
Consumers don’t want to wait for items. In an increasingly competitive market, any delay in providing goods and services hurts a business. With the help of digital transformation, businesses find it easier to bring things to the market. Flexibility and agility remain essential, and business owners find that digital transformation helps them in these areas. It does so by minimizing talent shortages, eliminating cumbersome processes, overcoming data limitations, and updating technology.
Every company should undergo a digital transformation. Doing so offers many benefits, and a company finds it easier to remain competitive when they complete the transformation. With the help of this process, the business gains insight into what customers and the competition are doing and what the business should do next.