YouGov poll shows overwhelming public support for manufacturing at the heart of UK economy
The vast majority of British adults believe that manufacturing is essential for the UK economy to grow and, would prefer buying UK made goods over those made elsewhere according to a poll carried out by YouGov for EEF, the manufacturers’ organisation.
According to the poll of over two thousand British adults 91% agree that manufacturing is essential for the UK economy to grow, whilst almost three quarters (72%) would prefer to buy UK made goods. Furthermore, the strong personal attachment of consumers to the importance of manufacturing is highlighted by the fact that more than three quarters (76%) said they would also be proud to work for any manufacturing company in the UK.
However, in contrast, the poll also showed a lack of awareness amongst British adults of the true health of manufacturing with nearly three quarters (74%) believing the UK used to manufacture more goods thirty years ago than it does now when output is 25% higher than in 1982. There was also a mixed view as to whether manufacturing is growing and, whether the UK is amongst the top ten manufacturing countries in the world.
The poll comes on the back of a major survey on re-shoring published by EEF which shows the number of manufacturers backing Britain as a place to manufacture increasing, with one in six having brought production back to the UK.
Commenting, EEF chief executive, Terry Scuoler, said: “This poll highlights the immense importance that the public attaches to manufacturing and, its place at the heart of the economy. Long gone are the days when some believed we could get by as a service economy and leave the rest of the world to produce goods for us. It is now essential that policymakers also recognise manufacturing as a high value, high skill sector and support it with policies which encourage its growth.”